TranceDance 2 TechnoFutures
In this ceremony, #KrittyKouture played mouth harp, an ancient shamanic musical instrument for entering the self-induced state of trance. By using this technology for trance from the past, #Kritty wanted to create a space for consumer cult worshippers to meditate on the future of techno-materiality. Our hope is that by praying around the trash altar, all the material garbage we have accumulated on this planet actually enables the technological means of transcendence into the higher dimension of auto-mated human-machine life. ///
from the DIRT to the SKIES [cyborg_disguised life] / from the FLOOR to the WIRES [see_underseanetwork&oceancables] / from the GROUND to the GODS / from the ROOTS to the HOLOGRAM / from the SEED to the NET/ TRASH is TRANSCENDANCE ~Let’sTranceDance2TechnoFuturez ///
CosmiKnots. A Call-OUT B4 the Fall-OUT: Public Ceremonies for the Cult of Consumption (TranceDance 2 TechnoFuturez), 2017. Mixed Media: Trash & Avatars on PhotoBooth Screenshots [under the shadows of Leandra Arvazzetti’s Untitled, hanging installation.]