Procession, interrupted / Crisis, inverted
[ A chalk of courage, like a pen. A container for feelings, spilling over, upside-down, inside-out. A sad clown performs for the stage.]
“Ultimately, pessimism is weary of everything and of itself. Pessimism is the philosophical form of disenchantment—disenchantment as chanting, a chant, a mantra, a solitary, monophonic voice rendered insignificant by the intimate immensity surrounding it…
The very term “pessimism” suggests a school of thought, a movement, even a community. But pessimism always has a membership of one—maybe two. Ideally, of course, it would have a membership of none, with only a scribbled, illegible note left behind by someone long forgotten. But this seems unrealistic, though one can always hope.”
-Eugene Thacker in Continent Continent
The shred of human hope, like the salt in your tears [before ocean’s rise].