Leandra Arvazzetti’s ‘Untitled’
For our first trash altar, CosmiKnots were gifted the Arvazzetti’s incredible installation+intersection dangling from the ceiling:
“This intuitive site-responsive installation explores the physical manifestation of the ephemeral. While meditatively engaged with the material’s interaction with the site, I have painted, draped, twisted, hung, and pinned, symbolic remnants of my personal history throughout this expansive industrial space. I view this environment as not only a significant part of the finished piece, but more importantly, as an integral force in the dictation of my practice. The work becomes evidence of the collaboration between me and my anthropomorphizing of the site, where materials, such as fabric, yarn, thread, chicken wire, plastic tarps, and paint, tell the story of process. My layering of new and recycled materials, allows me to reactivate previous work and provides a sense of cohabitation between the wore and the pristine. Infatuated with color, materiality and mindfulness, I am to create a playful union between grunge and classy, where process is not only evident, but celebrated.” [emphasis mine]
(Arts UP! Gallery January-March 2017)